Education Pays

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Kansas Board of Regents

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Kansas Board of Regents







#1KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS KANSAS THE BOARD OF 1925 * Alignment of Higher Education with the Kansas Economy Blake Flanders, Ph.D. Vice President for Workforce Development Kansas Board of Regents LEADING HIGHER EDUCATION REGENTS#2KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS Limitations * Supply and demand hard to quantify * Multiple complex factors interacting * Volatile economy * Geographic mismatch * Pace of change in business and jobs#3KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS Highlights from 2012 Report Undersupply in occupational areas: • Business/Finance . • Computer/Math • Architecture/Engineering . • Healthcare Practitioners/Technical • Construction/Maintenance/Production .#4KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS System Initiatives to Address Undersupply Nursing Initiative Engineering Initiative Excel in Career Tech Ed Initiative (SB 155)#5KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS Why Does Educational Attainment Matter? United States 55 million job openings through 2020 United States 65% of all jobs require postsecondary education by 2020 Kansas 64% of all jobs require postsecondary education by 2018 Kansas Over half a million projected job openings (excl.military) through 2020#6KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS Level of Education Matters Median Annual Wages (Ages 25-64) Education Level Kansas U.S. Less than High School $24,383 $22,688 High School Graduate, GED, or Equivalent 30,479 30,938 Some College, No Degree 33,001 36,575 Associate's Degree 37,282 41,251 Bachelor's Degree 48,767 52,831 Graduate or Professional Degree 91,438 94,877 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 American Community Survey#7KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS Education Pays National Unemployment & Earnings Earnings and unemployment rates by educational attainment 12.4 Unemployment rate in 2012 (%) Median weekly earnings in 2012 ($) 2.5 Doctoral degree 1,624 2.1 Professional degree 1,735 3.5 Master's degree 1,300 4.5 1 6.2 Bachelor's degree 1,066 Associate's degree 785 Some college, 7.7 727 no degree 8.3 High school diploma Less than a high school diploma 471 652 All workers: 6.8% All workers: $815 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey#8KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS By 2020, 65% of all jobs will require postsecondary education and training By 2020, 65 percent of all jobs will require postsecondary education and training, up from 28 percent in 1973. FIGURE 4: Postsecondary education and training 100% 7% 10% 11% 11% 9% 19% 12% 21% 24% 8% 10% 12% 19% 40% 50% 17% 18% 0% 32% 1973 91 MILLION 34% 30% 24% 10% 1992 129 MILLION 11% 12% 2010 143 MILLION 2020 164 MILLION YEAR AND NUMBER OF WORKING PEOPLE Note: Numbers may not sum to 100 percent due to rounding. MASTER'S DEGREE OR BETTER BACHELOR'S DEGREE ASSOCIATE'S DEGREE SOME COLLEGE/NO DEGREE HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA LESS THAN HIGH SCHOOL#9Number of Credentials Awarded KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS 60,000 50,000 Attainment Model Pathway 42,130 40,000 37,951 30,000 20,000 10,000 53,002 33,324 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2012-13 2013-14 Projected (Total) 37,951 36,962 2014-15 36,098 2015-16 35,940 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 35,370 34,881 34,206 33,324 Projected Need (Total) 37,951 40,101 42,251 44,401 46,551 48,702 50,852 53,002#10KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS Economic Regions in Kansas NORTHWEST HAYS GARDEN CITY NORTH CENTRAL MANHATTAN NORTHEAST TO PEKA *EAST CENTRAL WICHITA PITTSBURG SOUTHWEST SOUTH CENTRAL SOUTHEAST#11KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS Kansas Statewide Population Demographics Almost one million (915,433) adults are ages 25-49 out of total 2.89M population Over three quarters of a million (851,899) adults are ages 18-24 and 50-64 Over 10% of population (317,061) is Hispanic#12KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS Kansas Regional Population Demographics Highest percentage of adults ages 25-49 (472,472) in northeast Kansas Kansas City and Wichita metro areas (2.2M=76%) most populous; northwest 12 county region is least populous (43K-0.148%) Hispanic population as high as 38% (64,804) in the southwest region#13KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS Statewide Educational Attainment 354,571 • Adults ages 25-49 with high school or less 61,177 • Adults ages 25-49 with associate 219,652 • Adults ages 25-49 with college" no degree degree "some#14KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS 31.7% System Wide Enrollments System Wide Enrollment Percent by Age Bracket 6.8% 0.9% 4.4% 39.9% 16.4% < 18 18-19 120-24 125-44 145-64 165+#15KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS Regional Educational Attainment 261,676 • Adults ages 25- 49 with high school or less are in the northeast and south central regions 171,073 • Adults ages 25- 49 with some college/no degree are in the northeast and south central regions 138,211 • Adults ages 25- 49 with either high school or less/some college, no degree- balance of state#16KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS Postsecondary Institutions Compared to Economic Regions in Kansas CHEYENNE RAWLINS DECATUR NORTON PHILLIPS SMITH JEWELL REPUBLIC WASHINGTON MARSHALL NEMAHA BROWN DONIPHAN CLOUD ATCHISON SHERMAN THOMAS SHERIDAN GRAHAM ROOKS CLAY OSBORNE RILEY POTTAWATOMIE JACKSON MITCHELL JEFFERSON OTTAWA LINCOLN ELLIS RUSSELL WALLACE LOGAN GOVE TREGO GREELEY WICHITA SCOTT LANE NESS RUSH BARTON FINNEY HAMILTON KEARNY STANTON GRANT HASKELL PAWNEE HODGEMAN SHAWNEE GEARY WABAUNSEE LEAVENWORTH ANDOTTE SALINE DICKINSON MORRIS ELLSWORTH OSAGE LYON DOUGLAS FRANKLIN MIAMI JOHNSON MCPHERSON MARION CHASE RICE COFFEY ANDERSON LINN RENO HARVEY BUTLER GREENWOOD WOODSON ALLEN BOURBON EDWARDS STAFFORD GRAY FORD PRATT KIOWA KINGMAN SEDGWICK WILSON NEOSHO CRAWFORD ELK COWLEY MORTON STEVENS SEWARD MEADE CLARK BARBER SUMNER COMANCHE HARPER MONTGOMERY LABETTE CHAUTAUQUA CHEROKEE#17KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS Considerations for Kansas Postsecondary Institutions * Broaden recruiting to include out of state and Hispanics students of all ages ★ Target most populated areas of the state in support of Foresight 2020 goals ★ Increase the level of student services to support multiple, diverse adult populations ★ Grow critical jobs in rural areas#18KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS Considerations * Support existing initiatives towards the Board's goal of 60% degree attainment: Accelerating Opportunity: Kansas - over 237,000 Kansans without a GED or high school diploma Prior Learning Assessment - CAEL survey shows students with PLA are 2.5 times more likely to persist to graduation; Hispanics with PLA, 8 times more likely to graduate#19KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS Questions ??

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