23andMe Investor Presentation Deck slide image

23andMe Investor Presentation Deck

Breadth of Phenotyping Provides Deeper Genetic Understanding Beyond Single Diseases PheWAS = Phenotype Wide Association Study Every SNP in the genome can be interrogated at >1,000 medically related phenotypes. Besides the role of a gene in a disease of interest, we can use genetics to learn potential indication expansions or possible unwanted toxicities. For TSLP, PheWAS indicates lack of effect in eczema but also highlights potential indication expansion in a rare disease. Asthma TSLP PheWAS crohns- eczema- hashimotos- multiple sclerosis. psoriasis- psoriatic_arthritis - Rare disease A- chinitis. tid. ulcerative colitis - TSLP GWAS signal 1 TSLP GWAS signal 2 TSLP GWAS signal 3 Copyright © 2022 23and Me, Inc. log(OR) 0.2 0.0 -0.2 23andMe 34
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