VUB's Market Share and Financial Services slide image

VUB's Market Share and Financial Services

HOUSEHOLD DEBT IS RISING, YET DEBT SERVICE REMAINS MANAGEABLE Slovak household debt has been for years increasing at the fastest clip in the EU, debt relative to income and GDP though remains below Western EU countries Thanks to rising income and low interest rates, debt service remains at a manageable levels and NPLs remain on a declining trend Household debt to income (%, change 2017/2007, stock as of 2017) 37.7% Slovakia Netherlands 201.3% 37.6% Luxembourg Luxembourg 170.1% 33.9% Sweden Sweden 163.0% 25.7% Belgium Cyprus 162.6% 24.3% Poland Ireland 147.1% 21.2% Cyprus UK 125.1% 19.6% France Finland 116.4% 19.1% Finland Belgium 104.6% 12.3% Czechia Portugal 101.3% Debt service to income (%, 2014 HFCS survey) 5.6% Italy Spain 100.4% 4.4% Slovenia Euro area 93.9% 2.7% Austria France 93.3% 0.0% Euro area Austria 84.9% -5.1% UK Germany 82.5% 30.0 % -5.5% Bulgaria Estonia 69.5% 25.0% -7.1% Lithuania Slovakia 67.9% -9.9% Germany Italy 61.1% 20.0% -13.8% Netherlands Poland 60.0% 15.0 % 11.0% 9.0% -16.5% Hungary Czechia 56.6% -17.7% Estonia Slovenia 45.0% 10.0 % -23.4% Portugal Lithuania 36.2% -34.0% Spain Latvia 35.9% 5.0% -36.3% Latvia Hungary 33.4% -56.4% Ireland Bulgaria 32.7% 0.0% EE PL GR SK LV IS IT MI FI Euroarea BE NL HU CY -60%-40%-20% 0% 20 % 40 % 60 % 0% 100% 200% 300% 11 Source: ECB, Eurostat
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