Barclays H1 2023 ESG Investor Presentation slide image

Barclays H1 2023 ESG Investor Presentation

Our strategy and ESG progress Climate and sustainability Social Governance 2 BlueTrack TM is how we measure our financed emissions Blue Track TM is our methodology for measuring and tracking our financed emissions at a portfolio level against the goals of the Paris Agreement as outlined in our Blue Track™ Whitepaper 1. Select 2. Measure sector 3. Link emissions to financing benchmark client emissions 4. Aggregate to portfolio level • • Methodology covers not only lending but also capital markets financing, better reflecting the breadth of our support for clients through our investment bank Covers Energy, Power, Cement and Steel. Extended assessment to cover two new sectors in 2022 • 2025 Energy absolute emissions reduction target 5. Compare financed emissions to benchmark Financed emissions metrics Sector Setting our targets Monitoring our progress to 2022 Absolute Sector Sector boundaries Emissions scope Reference Target Baseline GHG included Target vs. baseline scenario metric¹ year Cumulative change¹ Physical emissions intensity¹ (MtCO2e)¹ Energy Upstream Energy 1, 2 and 3 CO2 and methane Power Power generators 1 CO₂ IEA SDS IEA NZE2050 IEA SDS IEA NZE2050 Cement Cement manufacturers 1 and 2 All GHGs IEA NZE2050 Steel Automotive Steel manufacturers 1 and 2 Manufacturing Light Duty Vehicles manufacturers 1, 2 and 3 Residential Real UK buy-to-let and owner Estate 1 and 2 occupied mortgages All GHGs Scope 1 and 2: all GHGs, Scope 3: CO₂ CO2, methane and nitrous oxide IEA NZE2050 IEA NZE2050 CCC BNZ baseline -40% by end 2030 32.94 kgCO₂e/m² A 2022 data re-produced from the Barclays PLC Annual Report where selected ESG metrics marked with the symbol A were subject to KPMG Independent Limited Assurance under ISAE (UK) 3000 and ISAE3410. Refer to the ESG Resource Hub for further details:|1 Targets and progress for Energy are based on absolute emissions. Targets and progress for Power, Cement, Steel, Automotive Manufacturing and Residential Real Estate are based on physical intensity | Absolute emissions Physical intensity Physical intensity Physical intensity Physical intensity Physical intensity 2020 2020 -15% by end 2025 -40% by end 2030 -30% by end 2025 -50% to -69% by end 2030 -32% 51.7A 59.6 gCO₂e/MJ -9% 29.2 302A kgCO₂e/MWh 0.610A 2021 -20% to -26% by end 2030 -2% 0.7 tCO₂e/t 1.7324 2021 -20% to -40% by end 2030 -11% 1.6 tCO2e/t 167.24 2022 -40% to -64% by end 2030 New sector Convergence point vs. 6.2 gCO₂e/km 2022 New sector 1.5 12 | Barclays H1 2023 ESG Investor Presentation | 27 July 2023 BARCLAYS
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