Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

5.4 RISK MANAGEMENT [GRI 102-15 | 102-29 | 102-30 | 102-31 | 413-2] [EM-EP-210A.3 | EM-EP-210B.1] Our Risk Management Policy establishes the principles, guidelines and responsibilities to be observed in order to enable the identification, assessment, treatment, monitoring and communication of risks to our management, helping to reduce the level of uncertainty in achieving the goals and preserving the value and perpetuity of the business. The integrated management considers potential impacts in the financial, health and safety, communities, environment, reputation, legal and regulatory spheres, including all risks to which we may be exposed, including but not limited to: Furthermore, all topics critical to our business are on the BD agenda. Potential M&A transactions are submitted to the board for consideration, which includes risk assessment of the transaction and the mitigators we considered for proper decision making. Our risk management also plays a key role in the preparation of bids in energy auctions, mapping out the main strategic risks and their management measures, so that the BD can have a correct assessment and, if successful, monitor the conduction of processes to mitigate impacts. We adopted a structured risk management process, with a guiding document approved by our Board of Directors (BD), which also determines, based on guidelines from the Board of Executive Officers, the risk appetite level. The BD is also responsible for establishing the principles, guidelines, and responsibilities to be followed by all employees and members of management, as well as for ensuring the dissemination of the risk management culture, guaranteeing appropriate and sufficient resources for the management to be independent, objective, and effective. In this sense, the Risk Management department reports to our Statutory Audit Committee, to our Finance Committee and to the BD the consolidated view of the main risks to which we are exposed, including economic, environmental and social topics, with the status of the effectiveness of existing key prevention/mitigation controls and of the execution of action plans established to reduce residual risk. FINANCIAL RISKS Associated with our finances, including market, credit, and liquidity impacts on financial transactions. Considers the potential risk of financial loss and uncertainty regarding a business transaction (acquisition, divestment, loans, etc.). Risk Management Policy ABOUT LETTER FROM ABOUT FIGHTING THIS REPORT MANAGEMENT ENEVA COVID-19 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT [ENEVA 2020] x x INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL D OPERATING RISKS Which include the possibility of loss resulting from external events or failure, deficiency or inadequacy of internal processes, people and technological environment; legal risk associated with inadequacy or deficiency in contracts entered into by us, as well as sanctions due to non-compliance with legal provisions and compensation for damages to third parties arising from our activities. STRATEGIC RISKS Arising from the possibility of implementing an unsuccessful or ineffective strategy that fails to achieve the intended returns. REGULATORY RISKS Result from the possibility of changes in regulations and actions by regulatory agencies, either internationally or locally, which may result in increasing competitive pressure and affect our ability to manage our business efficiently. Other risks are described in our Reference Form SOCIAL & MANUFACTURED CAPITAL HUMAN CAPITAL RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL NATURAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL APPENDICES CAPITAL GRI CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX PAGE 48
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