Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021
Progress against targets for our own operations
GHG emission Scope 1 and 2 (market
based) reductions against 2018 baseline
-86% against a target of -80% by the end of 2021
Progress against Barclays'
commitment to RE1001
94% against a target of 90% by
the end of 2021 and 100% by the
end of 2030
46% against a target of 90%
by 2035
On-site renewable electricity
0.1% against a target of 10% by 2035
Energy intensity reduction against
2019 baseline²
-21% against a target of -70% by 2035
A 2021 data reproduced from the Barclays PLC Annual Report subject to independent Limited Assurance under ISAE (UK)3000 and ISAE3410. Refer to the ESG Resource Hub for details:|1 Global corporate renewable
energy initiative with a commitment to source 100% renewable electricity for our global operations by 2030 | 2 Refers only to our key campuses |
11 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022
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