Long-term Climate Strategy and Financial Performance
Long-term variable remuneration
Changes vs 2021 remuneration policy1
2021 LTI
(weight 25%)
% of women in mgmt.
succession plans
(weight 5%)
Renewable capacity on total
(weight 10%)
2022 LTI
Objective substituted with
Cumulative ROIC - WACC,
weight increased to 30%
Objective focused
on top management,
weight increased to 10%
Objective removed
Underlying rationale
Financial markets consider ROIC WACC a better measure of a
company's ability to create value in the medium-long term
Encourage fair representation of women in the bases that supply
managerial succession plans, with particular reference to top positions
Prevent the use of a performance indicator linked exclusively to volume growth
without taking into adequate account the priorities represented by profitability
and financial balance
Share component for CEO:
100% of the base amount
Share component for CEO
increased to 130%
of the base amount²
Ensuring a further alignment with the interests of the shareholders in the long
term and set the basis for the wished adoption of a policy ensuring an adequate
share ownership by the CEO and Executives with strategic responsibilities
Fixed remuneration and performance scale unchanged. TSR and GHG Scope 1 emissions reduction: objectives and weights unchanged
From 50% to 65% for the other beneficiaries of the LTI Plan 2022
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