Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 slide image

Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021

Important Information In preparing this ESG Investor Presentation we have: (i) made a number of key judgements, estimations and assumptions, and the processes and issues involved are complex. This is for example the case in relation to financed emissions, portfolio alignment, classification of environmental and social financing, operational emissions and measurement of climate risk. (ii) used ESG and climate data, models and methodologies that we consider to be appropriate and suitable for these purposes as at the date on which they were deployed. However, these data, models and methodologies are not of the same standard as those available in the context of other financial information, nor subject to the same or equivalent disclosure standards, historical reference points, benchmarks or globally accepted accounting principles. There is an inability to rely on historical data as a strong indicator of future trajectories, in the case of climate change and its evolution. Outputs of models, processed data and methodologies will also be affected by underlying data quality which can be hard to assess. (iii) reproduced certain data assured by KPMG in the Annual Report. Barclays appointed KPMG to perform limited independent assurance over selected ESG content in the Annual Report which has been marked in the Annual Report with the symbol A. The assurance engagement was planned and performed in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (UK) 3000 Assurance Engagements Other Than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information and the International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3410 Assurance of Greenhouse Gas Statements. A limited assurance opinion was issued, which includes details of the scope, reporting criteria, respective responsibilities, work performed, limitations and conclusion, and is available on our ESG resource hub at: sustainability/esg-resourcehub/. Certain data assured by KPMG in the Annual Report has been reproduced in this ESG Investor Presentation. This is marked in this ESG Investor Presentation with the symbol A. No other information in this ESG Investor Presentation has been subject to external assurance or audit. (iv) the data, models and methodologies used and the judgements estimates or assumptions made are rapidly evolving and this may directly or indirectly affect the metrics, data points and targets contained in this ESG Investor Presentation. We continue to review and develop our approach to data, models and methodologies in line with market principles and standards as this subject area matures. Further development of accounting and/or reporting standards could impact (potentially materially) the performance metrics, data points and targets contained in this report. In future reports or presentations we may present some or all of the information for this reporting period using updated or more granular data or improved models, methodologies, market practices or standards. Such re-presented information may result in different outcomes than those included in this ESG Investor Presentation. Where information is re-presented from time to time, we will identify this and (where we think it is appropriate) include an explanation. It is important for readers and users of this presentation to be aware that direct like-for- like comparisons of each piece of information disclosed may not always be possible from one reporting period to another. 37 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS
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