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FROM A TELCO TO A TECH-CO WHY DISRUPT? To simplify Telstra's business by providing seamless digital experiences, launch products and services faster with deep involvement from customers In summary, create a brilliant connected future for everyone. Experience Assure Insight Client Digital Journey Accelerate Innovate HOW WE DID IT Telstra & Infosys Co-created a High Performance Software Engineering (HPSE) model: • • . • • Adopted digital ways of working State-of-the-art digital delivery centers enabling Co Creation and Innovation Small and Nimble autonomous teams delivering multiple releases Minimal viable product approach to create what is right for customer Automation that allows us to move at speed with confidence WHAT WE ACHIEVED DI -98% Requirements to Go Live reduced from 2+ months to on demand ~77% Deployment cycle reduced from 3 months to 3 weeks 23 Infosys Navigate your next
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