Analyst Presentation Q4 Financial Year 2020-21 slide image

Analyst Presentation Q4 Financial Year 2020-21

Financial Data Q4 & FY 2020-21 (in millions) Q4 Q4 FY FY Change Change 2020-21 2019-20 2020-21 2019-20 Sales 9,045 6,642 36.2% 34,524 31,587 9.3%% EBITDA 446 -2,357 118.9% 1,452 -2,150 167.5% % of Sales 4.9% -35.5% +40.4 pts 4.2% -6.8% +11.0 pts Profit Before Tax 270* -2,347 111.5% 893** -3,557*** 125.1% % of Sales 3.0% -35.3% +38.3pts 2.6% -11.3% +13.9 pts Profit After Tax 161 -1,871 108.6% 603 -3,026 119.9% % of Sales 1.8% -28.2% +30.0 pts 1.7% -9.6% +11.3 pts *includes extraordinary expense of 225 MINR **includes extraordinary Income of 35 MINR *** includes extraordinary expense of 536 MINR Net Debt* of ₹1,611 MINR as on 31st March 2021 vs 4,302 MINR as on 31st March 2020 (GE) * Net of Cash & Bank Balance of 602 MINR (Vs 595 MINR as on March 31, 2020) OGE T&D India Limited
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