Corporate Bond Portfolio and Investment Analysis slide image

Corporate Bond Portfolio and Investment Analysis

Unrivalled Distribution: High-Quality Premier Agency Excellent Growth in 1H23 Agency VONB ($m) 1,613 1,274 +27% 1H22 1H23 Increasing Scale and Productivity YoY Growth 1H23 vs 1H22 +14% Agent Income +10% Agency Leaders +11% New Recruits Note: VONB comparative is shown on a constant exchange rate basis ex-Vietnam AIA Differentiated High-Quality Model enabled by TDA #1 MDRT Globally since 2015 #1 in Mainland China #1 in Hong Kong #1 in ASEAN #1 in India 1H22 MDRT Qualifiers +49% 1H23 TDA Empowering Entire Agency Value Chain End-to-End Digitalisation 100% Capabilities across the value chain in all markets Al and Analytics Deployed at Scale Intelligent recruitment Training recommendation ■ Sales leads allocation to agents ■ Potential leaders/MDRT identification Digital Lead Acquisition +20% Digitally-sourced leads in 1H23 5
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