Geospatial and Socio-Economic Profile of Indonesian Seaports slide image

Geospatial and Socio-Economic Profile of Indonesian Seaports

INDONESIAN GEOGRAPHIC ■ Population : 252.2 Million ■ Jurisdictional Area ■ Population Growth: 1.35% : 7.8 Million Km² ■ Sea Jurisdictional Area: 5.9 Million Km² ■ Human Dev Index : 73.8 - GDP : 10,542.7 Trillion Nusantara Sea Teritorial Sea : 2.9 Million Km² : 0.3 Million Km² • EEZ : 2.7 Million Km² ■ Per Capita of GDP : 41.8 Million ■ Economic Growth: 5% ■ Land Area : 1.9 Million Km² ■ Province : 34 Provinces ■ Islands SOCIO-ECONOMIC Data Source: Statistical Yearbook of Indonesia-2015 : 17,504 Islands ■ 94,156 km of Shoreline (The 4th Biggest After Canada, US, and Russia) ■ Lied between Asia and Australia Continent ■ Divided into 3 Archipelagic Sea Lane SUMATERA KALIMANTAN SULAWESI MALUKU PAPUA JAVA BALI NUSA TENGGARA. GEOSPATIAL 2
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