FY23 Results - Investor Presentation slide image

FY23 Results - Investor Presentation

P&L Continuing Operations | Appendix: Reported - P&L by Quarters FY21 FY22 FY23 YoY Movement FY21-FY23 (full FY) YoY Movement Q4FY22 RM'mil Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 22 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 VS Q4FY21 Q4FY23 VS Q4FY22 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY22 vs FY21 FY23 vs Y22 NII 614 740 779 803 818 800 845 812 863 923 930 824 1% 1% 2,935 3,275 3,541 12% 8% NOII 479 415 397 326 420 321 338 311 298 262 301 336 (5%) A 8% 1,617 1,390 1,197 (14%) (14%) Income 1,092 1,155 1,176 1,129 1,238 1,121 1,183 1,123 1,162 1,185 1,231 1,160 (1%) 3% 4,552 4,665 4,738 A 2% 2% Expenses (539) (524) (545) (525) (495) (514) (529) (557) (544) (504) (497) (556) 6% ≈ (2,132) (2,094) (2,100) (2%) PBP 554 631 631 605 743 607 654 566 618 681 734 605 (6%) 7% 2,420 2,571 2,637 6% 3% (Impairment) (50) (333) (262) (492) (199) (174) (337) (51) (64) (203) (149) (51) (90%) (1%) (1,137) (761) (467) (33%) (39%) /Writeback Goodwill & other (1,937) (5) (0) 0 N/A N/A (1,937) (5) N/A N/A impairment Settlement (2,830) N/A PBT/(LBT) 504 298 369 (4,655) 540 433 317 514 554 478 585 554 ▲ >100% PAT/(LAT) 402 273 283 (4,670) 422 338 417 418 434 362 453 428 ▲ >100% 2% N/A (2,830) 8% (3,483) (3,712) 1,595 N/A N/A 1,805 2,170 ▲ >100% 20% 1,676 >100% 5% PATMI/ 365 237 264 (4,693) 387 321 403 392 419 435 453 428 >100% 9% (3,826) 1,503 1,735 >100% 15% (LATMI) Adjustments 4,788 (161) 1 4,788 (160) Core PAT¹,2 402 273 283 118 422 338 256 419 434 362 453 428 >100% 4% 1,076 1,435 1,676 33% 17% Core 365 237 264 95 387 321 243 390 419 435 453 428 ▲ >100% 10% 962 1,340 1,735 39% 29% PATMI1,2 CTI 49.3% 45.4% 46.4% 46.5% 40.0% 45.8% 44.7% 49.6% 46.8% 42.5% 40.4% 47.9% 3.2% ▼(1.7%) 46.8% 44.9% 44.3% ▼(1.9%) ▼ (0.6%) FY=Financial Year 1. Excluding exceptional one-off items of RM4,767mil and related legal and professional expenses of RM21mil 2. Excluding i) Total tax credit of RM266mil (inclusive of tax credit relating to Settlement of RM235mil and RM31mil tax claims from prior years), offset by ii) Total Cukai Makmur (Prosperity Tax) charge of RM106mil. Inclusive of AmGen's Cukai Makmur (Prosperity Tax) of RM10mil and tax claims from prior years of RM5mil, before 49% minority interest AmBank Group FY23 Results - Investor Presentation 43
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