Bank of Georgia Growth and Reform Strategy slide image

Bank of Georgia Growth and Reform Strategy

GEL millions LOAN PORTFOLIO BREAKDOWN Retail Banking | 31 Dec 2019 Corporate and Investment Banking | 31 Dec 2019 JSC Bank of Georgia standalone JSC Bank of Georgia standalone 7,537 109 4,270 3,267 1.4% 2.1% 89 0.6% 21 Loan portfolio Allowance for ECL ECL rate FC GEL Amounts in GEL millions GEL loans* FC loans not exposed to FC risk FC loans exposed to FC risk Total * Includes credit cards BANK OF GEORGIA GEL millions 1.9% 3,878 74 0.5% 724 70 2.2% 3,154 Loan portfolio Allowance for ECL ECL rate FC GEL RB Loan portfolio 4,270 546 % of total RB loan portfolio 56.7% 7.2% Consumer Mortgages SME & Micro loans* 1,284 432 1,716 75 1,269 39 2,721 36.1% 1,326 180 1,215 7,537 100.0% 3,043 1,971 2,523 Amounts in GEL millions GEL loans* FC loans not exposed to FC risk FC loans exposed to FC risk Total *Includes credit cards CB & WM % of total CIB Loan portfolio loan portfolio 724 18.7% 1,543 39.8% 1,611 41.5% 3,878 100.0% 17
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