State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2023-24 (First Reading) slide image

State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2023-24 (First Reading)

Independent Review of RBD Bangladesh's Development ☐ The terms of trade (defined in Table 5.3 as the import earning capacity of the average export price of 1 dozen RMG in the USA in terms of average relative prices of selected items in the global market) evince a mixed picture. The data reinforces the need for moving into the higher value segment of the RMG market through intra- RMG diversification (MMF, Synthetic and polyester based items) as also market and product diversification of Bangladesh's export basket. ➤ Attracting investment (both local and FDI) to the SEZs should be the way forward by taking advantage of the triangulation of investment, multi-modal transport, and trade connectivity. Export performance: Terms of trade Table 5.3: Terms of Trade for selected commodities taking RMG price per dozen (July-October) in the U.S.A as reference Commodities Units FY22 FY23 FY24 Crude oil, average ($/bbl) 2.18 1.40 1.77 Palm oil ($/mt) 22.33 22.09 17.29 Soybean oil ($/mt) 36.00 27.20 23.11 Rice, Thai A.1 ($/mt) 9.51 7.25 12.02 Wheat, US HRW ($/mt) 9.34 6.17 6.53 Cotton, A Index LNG, Japan ($/kg) 0.06 0.04 0.04 ($/mmbtu) 0.49 0.21 ↑ 0.26 Source: Authors' Estimation based on USITC (2023) and The Pink Sheet (2023). CPD (2023): State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2023-24 (First Reading) 68
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