Brazil Energy Opportunities & Sustainability Commitments slide image

Brazil Energy Opportunities & Sustainability Commitments

The natural gas market in numbers Natural gas production in Brazil is mainly associated with oil produced in offshore fields Other sources include imports through pipelines from Bolivia and LNG through regasification terminals Only around 40% of the national production is consumed by the Brazilian market due to lack of demand/infrastructure and high gas prices Recently, we saw a great increase in gas demand due to the economic recovery and the worst drought in more than 90 years SUPPL 90 Million m³/d National Production DEMAND 86 Million m³/d Consumption by sector Industrial 57 % Bolivia Imports % LONDON G -----/////////22 LNG Imports --------------| 21 *1st Semester Results (Average) % Automotive Electric Generation % Cogeneratio ||||| 42 423 % Others % anp % %
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