Instacart Product Presentation Deck slide image

Instacart Product Presentation Deck

Timeline Delivery 266724919 Picking Delivery 266725453 Delivery 266726627 Delivery 266727363 University of San Francisco FULTON ST PIME ST Mount Sutro OperSpace Reserve VALLEJO ST Ashbury POST ST TTH ST 18TH ST Picking 08:10 Acknowledge Picking POSTS 20 San Francisco www. Acknowledge Potrero Optimally Routing Shoppers :30 Picking :40 :50 Due Window Due Window 09:00 :10 20 :30 :40 :50 Due Window Due Window 10:00 :10 8 GBMs for complex time & space features :20 :30 Variance is as important as mean → quantile regression Scale to millions of predictions per minute in planning (shoppers x orders x sequence) @jeremystan
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