Amarillo Grande Project slide image

Amarillo Grande Project

Blue Sky Amarillo Grande Project / Amarillo Grande I Ivana Deposit - Preliminary Economic Assessment Uranium Corp. Ivana矿床-初步经济评估 Based on proposed surficial mining operation, no blasting. After Tax / 税后 £Ùƒ£EXT, T. PEA Key Assumptions & Inputs / PEA Uranium price / 铀价: Payback $50/lb U308/ 八氧化三铀$50/磅 $15/lb V205/ 五氧化二钒$15/磅 NPV8%: IRR/ $135.2 Million / 净现值 内部收 (折现率8%): 益率: $1.352/Z 29.3% Pre-production Capital Cost: period: 2.4 years 投资回报期: 2.4年 LOM Sustaining Capital Cost: $128.05M/预生产资本成本 $35.46M/矿山寿命期内持 $1.28051Z 续资本成本:$3546万 incl. $7.21M contingency 包括$721万的应急资金 Average LOM All-In incl. $28.3M contingency 包括$2830万的应急资金 Average LOM Total Sustaining Costs Cash Cost net of credits: / 扣除信用额度 后的平均矿山寿命期总 现金成本: ("AISC") net of credits: /扣除信用额度后的矿 山寿命期平均全部持续 ("AISC") : $16.24/lb U308 八氧化三铀$16.24/磅 $18.27/lb U308 八氧化三铀$18.27/磅 Vanadium Price/ Years of Construction/E Years of Full production/完全投产年限: Strip Ratio (waste/ore)/(EHITE): Dilution / 稀释: Average Mining rate (waste + mineralized material) / 平均开采率 (废料+矿化物): Processing throughput/加工能力: Process Plant Recoveries/加工厂采收率 Average Annual Production (LOM) / (矿山寿命期内): LOM uranium production/矿山寿命期内铀产量: 2 13 1.1:1 3% 13,000 tonnes per day / 日均1.3万吨(“tpd") 6,400 tpd/日均6400吨 Uranium/4: 84.6%, Vanadium : 52.5% 1.35 Mlbs/y U308/ 八氧化三铀135万磅/年 17.5 Mlbs U308 / 1750万磅八氧化三铀 The PEA is preliminary in nature and is based solely on Inferred Mineral Resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as Mineral Reserves. Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability and there is no certainty that the PEA will be realized. / PEA, X 基于推断矿产资源量,这些矿产资源量在地质学上被认为是推测性过强,无法对其进行经济考虑,从而使其被归类为矿产储量。不属于矿产储量的矿产资源量不被证明具有经济可行性,也不确定PEA是否会实现。 Refer to News Release dated 2/27/2019 for details #2019 227 B TSX-V: BSK OTC: BKUCF FSE: MAL2 20
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