Unlocking Value and Performance Outlook slide image

Unlocking Value and Performance Outlook

Unit costs outlook by Business Copper (C1 c/lb) 1 -5% Nickel (C1 c/lb) +7% PGMs ($/PGM oz)² -6% Chile: Chile: -200 -190 154 ~165 (prev. -205) ~157 Peru: 513 -560 ~600 937 -980 (prev.-1,000) ~920 Peru: -110 -110 (prev. 100) 2022 2023F 2024F (new) 2022 2023F 2024F (new) 2022 De Beers ($/ct)³ Iron Ore (FOB $/t)4 2023F Steelmaking Coal ($/t)5 2024F (new) +7% -3% 0% Kumba: -42 Kumba: -38 ~75 -80 38 -38 (prev.-43) ~37 M-R: 107 M-R: ~115 (prev.-105) ~115 59 -35 -33 2022 2023F 2024F (new) 2022 2023F 2024F (new) 2022 2023F 2024F (new) Spot FX rates used for 2024F costs: ~850 CLP: USD, ~3.7 PEN:USD, ~5.0 BRL:USD, ~19 ZAR:USD, ~1.5 AUD:USD Note: Unit costs exclude royalties, depreciation and include direct support costs only. FX rates used for Q4 2023 costs were: -900 CLP:USD, -3.9 PEN:USD, -5.0 BRL:USD,-19 ZAR:USD,-1.6 AUD:USD. 1. The total copper unit cost is the weighted average of Copper Chile and Copper Peru based on actual production or the mid-point of production guidance. 2023F unit cost guidance for Chile is revised reflecting the weaker Chilean peso and Peru is revised due to lower production volumes. 2. Unit cost is per own mined 5E+gold PGMS metal in concentrate ounce. The revision to 2023F unit cost reflects the weaker South African rand. 3. De Beers unit cost is based on De Beers' share of production. Step-up in 2023F and 2024F unit cost is primarily driven by change in production mix, as Venetia transitions to underground operations and delivers a lower carat profile during ramp-up. 4. Wet basis. Total iron ore unit cost is the weighted average of Kumba and Minas-Rio based on actual production or the mid-point of production guidance. The revision to Kumba 2023F unit cost reflects the weaker South African rand. 5. Steelmaking Coal FOB/t unit cost comprises of managed operations and excludes royalties and study costs. The revision to 2023F unit cost reflects lower production volumes. Anglo American 34
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