2021 Earnings Presentation
Delivered a strong set of results in 2021, reflecting business momentum
DOÛ Financials
Headline Earnings of RWF 53.4 Bn in 2021 (RWF 49.5 Billion in 2020).
Profit before tax of RWF 10.9 Bn: +40% YoY
Net Loans of RWF 222 Bn, + 8% YTD
Improved NPL ratio of 3.45% driven by improvement in macro-economic conditions.
Impairment provisions decreased by 69% YoY. Loan-loss provisions stood at RWF 1.7Bn.
Customer growth up by 25% YTD (SME: +64%, Corporate: +17%; Retail: +22%).
Cost-to-income ratio of 62.1%
Improved Earnings Per Share of RWF 6.61 (from RWF 4.72 in 2020)
Strong capital adequacy position: Tier I CAR of 18.08%; Tier II of 20.75%
Healthy funding & liquidity positions: LCR of 504%
Shareholder value: proposed dividend payment of RWF 1.2 per share for the year 2021, subject to AGM approval.
I&M Rwanda - 2021 Earnings Presentation
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