Sustainable Social Economic Empowerment slide image

Sustainable Social Economic Empowerment

Q32021 Q32020 Variance Growth (%) KShs. '000' KShs. '000' KShs. '000' Co-operative Bank of Kenya Ltd Co-operative Bank of South Sudan 15,358,066 12,888,373 2,469,693 19.2% (103,994) 217,787 (321,781) -147.8% Co-optrust Investment Services Ltd 92,304 68,704 23,599 34.3% Subsidiary Contribution Co-op Consult. & Bancassurance Intermediary Ltd 648,023 625,020 23,003 3.7% Kingdom Securities Ltd 590 (10,630) 11,220 105.6% Kingdom Bank Ltd 446,992 446,992 Co-op Bank and Subsidiaries Total 16,441,981 13,789,254 2,652,727 19.2% Associates share of profit 42,046 (38,087) 80,133 210.4% Group Profit Before Tax 16,484,027 13,751,167 2,732,860 19.9% Income Tax Expense 4,857,312 3,976,420 880,892 22.2% Group Profit after tax 11,626,715 9,774,747 1,851,969 18.9% 51 51
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