Meezan Bank Financial Performance slide image

Meezan Bank Financial Performance

POS Acquiring - Spend & Transactions (Quarterly) Digital Channels Statistics (2/3) EPG - Spend & Transactions (Quarterly) 5.78 5.23 3.55 2.16 28.24 30.13 1.11 19.45 11 53 12.11 5.89 Q3-2022 Q4 - 2022 Q1 - 2023 Q2-2023 Q3 - 2023 3.73 Spend in Bn Transactions in Mn OTC Transfers (Quarterly) 4.12 4.03 131 239 196 Meezan Bank The Premier Islamic Bank BANK No. in Mn Digital Bill Payments Transactions 10.26 9.84 9.56 9.38 8.85 696 334 1,342 1,905 1,904 Q3 - 2022 Q4-2022 Q1 - 2023 Q2-2023 Q3-2023 Q3-2022 Q4-2022 Q1-2023 Q2-2023 Q3-2023 Spend in Mn Transactions in Th No. in Mn No. in Mn OTC Cash Withdrawal 4.02 4.03 Q3-2022 Q4-2022 Q1-2023 Q2-2023 Q3-2023 EPG= E-commerce payment gateway No. in Mn OTC Bill Payments Transactions 0.78 0.72 4.34 4.47 0.68 4.26 4.18 0.65 0.63 3.62 Q3-2022 Q4-2022 Q1-2023 Q2-2023 Q3-2023 Q3 - 2022 Q4-2022 Q1-2023 Q2 - 2022 Q3 - 2023 OTC= Over the counter 30
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