FY22 Financial Highlights slide image

FY22 Financial Highlights

Signs of recovery across all asset classes in Thailand • • FPT corporate developments and financial performance Signs of recovery across all segments with improving residential sale margins, healthy occupancy of ~84% for the industrial property portfolio, as well as the rebound in the hospitality business following the return of international visitors Expansion of business presence in Indonesia via the acquisition of additional shares in PT SLP Surya Ticon Internusa ("SLP") and PT Surya Internusa Timur ("SIT”) to achieve 75% and 100% ownership, respectively. Higher stake in the 149,000 sqm portfolio with occupancy of 70% as at September 2022 will provide a springboard for future market growth Completed acquisition of Marriott Mayfair Executive Apartments Successfully recycled quality industrial assets worth -S$68.43 million to FTREIT Maintained financial resilience; successfully issued two debentures worth S$265.3 million FPT is rated "A" with a "stable" outlook² by TRIS Net interest cover 1. Based on SFRS(I). 2. trisrating.com/files/8716/3420/5684/FPT170-e.pdf. We are Frasers Property Financial Highlights¹ FY22 FY21 Change Gross Revenue S$589.7 S$617.9 m 4.6% PBIT S$156.4 m S$143.8 m ▲ 8.8% Cash and bank deposits S$41.0 m S$39.4 m ▲ 4.1% Net debt/total equity 90.7% 90.1% ▲ 0.6 pp 5x 4x ▲ 1x SLP, Karawang, Indonesia 48 48
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