Lithium Australia NL Sustainability and Battery Recycling Strategy slide image

Lithium Australia NL Sustainability and Battery Recycling Strategy

Focusing on a cleaner, greener future Raw material Li chemicals Lithium Australia NL Recycling Batteries Although the world's love affair with portable devices is undiminished, many countries are moving away from fossil fuels and embracing the concept of electric vehicles ('EVs') powered by battery packs ... and as a result e-waste is accumulating. In fact, the volume of spent LIBS worldwide will grow to something like 7 million tonnes per annum ('Mtpa') within the next 20 years. To avoid the mountains of toxic waste this could create, the recycling of spent LIBS is not just an option, it's imperative! Most (not enough!) of the LIBS currently recycled are from electronic devices and are of the lithium cobalt oxide (i.e. LCO) type. But with sales of EVs on the rise, the need to recycle their spent battery packs - the dominant chemistry being nickel cobalt manganese (i.e. NCM) of the '622' type (lithium + 6 parts nickel + 2 parts cobalt + 2 parts manganese) – is becoming a matter of urgency. The Telegraph Britain faces 'waste battery mountain' as electric car use surges WINE WWW WASTE MANAGEMENT WORLD" - The Lithium Battery Recycling Challenge Increasing oil prices, demand for urban vehicles, megacities and focus on sustainable transportation have kickstarted a substantial trend towards automotive electrification such as hybrids and electric vehicles (EVs). Estimates suggest that by 2020, EVs are likely to account for more than 7% of the global transportation market. The Guardian The rise of electric cars could leave us with a big battery waste problem MOTHERBOARD VICE Today's Electric Car Batteries Will Be Tomorrow's E-Waste Crisis, Scientists Warn DEEP DISCHARGE FINANCIAL TIMES Rise of electric cars poses battery recycling challenge China's booming electric vehicle market is about to run into a mountain of battery waste 11 August 2020 Copyright 2020, Lithium Australia NL
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