BioNTech Results Presentation Deck slide image

BioNTech Results Presentation Deck

Key Highlights For 2021 Financial Year 25 Total Revenues¹ €19.0 bn Diluted EPS A €39.63 Operating Result Ⓡ €15.3 bn Cash + Cash Deposits and Trade Receivables ·0⁰ €2.1 bn² + €12.4 bn 1 BioNTech's profit share is estimated based on preliminary data shared between Pfizer and BioNTech as further described in the Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2021. Any changes in the estimated share of the collaboration partner's gross profit will be recognized prospectively. 2 Includes cash and cash equivalents (€1.7 bn) and cash deposits with an original term of six months which are presented as other financial assets (€0.4 bn). BIONTECH
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