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1Q 2021 Investor Presentation

Moody's in Greater China 2nd Largest Onshore Bond Market at $17 Trillion 2012 50 5% 40 Total debt securities outstanding 2012-20201 2020 Revenue and Attributable Income from China² ■MIS Cross Border Revenue Total MA Revenue Attributable Income from CCXI $169 $ Trillions 30 920 10 20% 0% 2% 2% US China Japan UK France $ Millions $19 MIS Cross Border and Total MA Attributable Income from CCXI Estimated China Ratings Market Size: Domestic and Cross Border³ » Moody's participates directly in the cross-border China issuance market through MIS and in the domestic market through a 30% interest in CCXI » Long-term growth prospects enabled by participation in the ongoing development of China's domestic credit markets Cross Border Market ~$280M³ 42% 58% Domestic Market ~$310M 40% 60% » Continuing to foster constructive relationships and partnerships with issuers, regulators and other market participants ■Rest of Market ■Moody's Share Rest of Market ■CCXI 's Share 1. 2. Percentage growth numbers are rounded compound annual growth calculations. Source: Bank for International Settlements' latest data available as of 3Q 2020. Greater China: Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau. Revenue and attributable income data for full year 2020. 3. Revenue as of 4Q 2020; USD 1 = RMB 6.53 RMB exchange rate as of December 31, 2020 is used for conversion for domestic CRAS' estimated revenue. Note: These are high level estimates based on MIS & CCXI 4Q 2020 revenue/market coverage in domestic market; in cross border, market share is coverage/sum of coverage for three major CRAS. Moody's | Better decisions 1Q 2021 Investor Presentation 34
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