Financial Overview and Sector Exposure slide image

Financial Overview and Sector Exposure

APPENDIX 4 | FINANCIAL MARKETS Financial Markets Summary Results - Q1 2022 ($MM) Q1 22 Q4 21 Q1 21 QoQ YOY Revenues 662 496 598 33% 11% Global Markets 433 267 355 62% 22% - C&IB 229 229 243 (6%) Non-Interest Expenses 260 209 231 24% 13% Pre-Tax/Pre-Provisions 402 287 367 40% 10% PCL (16) (40) 20 Net Income 307 240 255 28% 20% - Other Metrics Q1 22 Q4 21 Q1 21 QoQ YOY Avg Loans & BAS (1) 20,219 19,825 19,769 2% 2% Efficiency Ratio (%) 39.3% 42.1% 38.6% -280 bps +70 bps Financial Markets Revenues ■ Record revenues of $662M, up 11% YoY - Global Markets: Record performance in Equity amid pick-up in volatility and client activity; continued momentum in Structured Products C&IB: solid performance against strong Q1/21 Expenses up 13% YoY, mostly related to variable compensation Targeted IT investments to support future growth and further diversify our revenue streams Q1 efficiency ratio <40% Global Markets Revenues ($MM) 662 (SMM) 433 611 598 587 396 40 519 515 537 474 496 229 355 64 215 302 38 110 243 289 281 279 318 217 185 234 258 30 105 19 269 267 19 229 116 24 32 34 85 55 126 114 84 58 99 433 283 396 355 227 289 302 281 269 279 267 201 174 157 148 171 175 138 Q1 20 Q2 20 Q3 20 Q4 20 ■Global Markets (1) Corporate Banking only. Q1 21 Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 Q1 22 Q1 20 ■C&IB Q2 20 ■ Equity Q3 20 Q4 20 Q1 21 ■Fixed income Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 Q1 22 ■Commodity and Foreign exchange 20 |
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