Finland's Export Credit and SME Financing Agency
ESG Strategy
Climate change
Efforts to mitigate climate change in particular have been highlighted more strongly than before:
Finnvera helps companies take advantage of the opportunities that arise from the climate actions
Finnvera measures and reports the climate impact of its own operations
Finnvera identifies the risks of climate change
Finnvera limits the granting of funding to the most harmful projects
Finnvera influences the rules of export financing
Sustainability is one of the strategic competences
Poseidon Principles
Finnvera has joined the Poseidon Principles climate alignment agreement regarding the CO2 emissions of
Finnvera's ship finance portfolio. Target to reduce shipping's total annual greenhouse gas emissions by at least
50% of 2008 levels by 2050
Investment framework
Finnvera is currently creating a more detailed sustainable investment framework. This framework will determine
the preconditions for sustainable and responsible investments and systematically allocate capital to
investments that meet these preconditions
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