The TOMRA Transformation Journey slide image

The TOMRA Transformation Journey

Our products are detecting a wide range of parameters 0 Color Removal of discolorations in mono- and mixed-color material Blemishes Objects with spots or other (small) blemishes are removed Defects Removal of visible and invisible small and substantial defects Structure Removal of soft, molded or rotten food Shape & Size Sort on length, width, diameter, area, broken-piece recognition, ... Biometric Characteristics Sort based on water content and removal of mycotoxin contaminations Foreign Material Removal of foreign material in a material stream, e.g. insects, worms, snails or plastics in food applications Fluo Based on the chlorophyll level present in produce defects are removed OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY REDUCES COSTS SORTING VALUE PROPOSITION P Density Detection of density differences О TOMRA Damage Broken, split and damaged objects are detected and removed Visible Invisible Both There are three main components to our value proposition X-RAY Analysis of objects based on their density and shape Detox Removal of produce contaminated with aflatoxin INCREASED PURITY OF MATERIAL STREAM INCREASES REVENUE 57
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