MuniFin Green Finance and Liquidity Portfolio Evaluation slide image

MuniFin Green Finance and Liquidity Portfolio Evaluation

MuniFin Copyright MuniFin 48 Appendix 12 Annual impact report SBP Category SDG's addressed 10 REDUCED SUSTAINABLE CITIES INEQUALITIES AND COMMUNITIES Defined by ICMA/UN and assessed by MuniFin A Social benefit classification (equality, safety, weillbeing, vitality of region) Social finance category by MuniFin Target population Committed and allocated finance, share of total financing Number of people benefitting Defined and assessed by MuniFin Number of dwellings, establishments or square meters Defined and provided by customers MuniFin promotes the use of impact reporting to the largest extent possible. In addition to the elements above, MuniFin is committed to work together with clients to find additional relevant and informative impact metrics. As each project is unique, available impact data will likely be different. Data protection may also impact the data availability. MuniFin is committed to promote and develop its impact reporting and as a result, MuniFin is open to any proposals on how the report could be improved.
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