Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

11 APPENDICES ABOUT ENEVA Stakeholder - Engagement and frequency approach 2/7 Stakeholder Engagement approach [GRI 102-12 | 102-13 | 102-43] Industry associations Particularly with those related to the electricity, oil & gas, industrial, and other industries pertinent to our core busi-ness. Engagement occurs mainly via email and in meetings. Maranhão Government Maranhão State Department of Industry and Commerce Maranhão State Department of the Environment Maranhão State Finance Department BACK Engagement frequency Permanent Meetings with the secretaries of departments related to the most critical issues for our operation. Participation in events related to the environment, natural gas, and energy organized by the Government of Maranhão. Support in fighting Covid-19. Permanent Meetings with the department's Secretary and technical team for the implementation of new projects in the state. Institutional dialogues via letters and follow-up of administrative processes. Meetings with the environmental agency's technical team to expedite environmental licensing and permits, as well as to find the best synergy between the environmental compensation processes and our projects. Meetings with the technical team of the treasury agency to diligence administrative processes overseen by our legal and fiscal teams. Frequent Permanent As needed Maranhão, Amazonas, Ceará and Roraima State Departments of Health Collaboration with the governments in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic, in addition to receiving support from the technical team to clarify doubts about the execution of other health policies linked to Brazil's national health system (SUS). As needed ABOUT LETTER FROM THIS REPORT MANAGEMENT ABOUT ENEVA FIGHTING COVID-19 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL MANUFACTURED HUMAN CAPITAL CAPITAL SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL GRI NATURAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL APPENDICES CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ENEVA 2020 PAGE 122
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