Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

11 APPENDICES HUMAN CAPITAL Diversity in the workforce by functional category and gender [GRI 405-1] CEO Executive Officers Managers Experts Coordinators Administrative Operational* Total BACK 2018 2019 2020 Total Men Total Women % men % women Total Men Total Women % men % women Total Men Total Women % men % women 1 100% 0% 1 100% 0% 1 0 100% 0% 6 1 90% 10% 9 1 90% 10% 6 1 90% 10% 41 5 89% 11% 41 5 89% 11% 41 5 89% 11% 30 23 57% 43% 30 23 57% 43% 30 23 57% 43% 29 13 69% 31% 29 13 69% 31% 29 13 69% 31% 122 86 59% 41% 122 86 59% 41% 122 86 59% 41% 454 28 94% 6% 454 28 94% 6% 454 28 94% 6% 686 156 81% 19% 686 156 81% 19% 686 156 81% 19% To calculate the number of employees, the employees under CLT indefinite term, CLT definite term, and PwD work regimes were accounted for. *Employee classification for the "Operational" functional category includes the positions of Supervisors, Operators and Technicians. ABOUT THIS REPORT LETTER FROM MANAGEMENT ABOUT FIGHTING ENEVA COVID-19 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL MANUFACTURED HUMAN CAPITAL CAPITAL SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL NATURAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL APPENDICES GRI CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ENEVA 2020 PAGE 132
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