UBS ESG Presentation Deck
Climate risk heatmap - transition risks
Total exposure
265 High
4,741 Moderately high
32,503 Moderate
17,593 Moderately low
192,189 Low
Chemicals2 2,821
Refer to slide 25 for a sector distribution of High, Moderately High,
and Moderate transition risk exposures
High 265
Coal 233
Shale gas 24
Oil refining 8
Moderately high 4,741
Transportation and storage (oil) 853
Car manufacturing (high-carbon) 644
Land-based shipping 500
Medium-carbon power generation (regulated) 249 |
Sea-based shipping 160
Steel / iron manufacturing 76
Livestock - beef, extensive grazing 15
Conventional gas drilling 4
Transportations and storage (gas) 3
UBS Numbers in USDm unless otherwise indicated; refer to the Sustainability Report 2021 for further information 1 Non-sensitive is mostly composed of private Lombard lending; 2 Includes pharmaceuticals
Integrated oil and gas companies 404
Cement or concrete manufacturing 312
Conventional oil drilling 233
Moderate 32,503
High-carbon power generation (regulated) 118
Commercial real estate management 18,029
Downstream oil and gas distribution 4,430
Construction - non-infrastructure 3,206
Mining conglomerates 2,687
Manufacturing of other metals 917
Consumer durables manufacturing 873
Airlines commercial 708
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