Telia Company Results Presentation Deck slide image

Telia Company Results Presentation Deck

EBITDA 12 Adj. EBITDA bridge Like for like growth -2.0% Q4 21 SWE FIN NOR DEN LIT EST TVM Other Q4 22 EBITDA impacted by energy in all markets and lower pension refund in Sweden OUTLOOK 2022 Adj. EBITDA development Like for like growth Full Group ■Core Telco 0.0% 2.9% Q4 21 0.1% 4.6% Q1 22 0.8% 4.3% Q2 22 1.0% 0.5% Q3 22 -2.0% Adjusted EBITDA, like for like, to be similar to last year and, excluding energy cost increases, to grow by low single digit -0.6% Q4 22 Energy costs increased by SEK 0.3bn Q4 and by SEK 0.8bn for the full-year
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