Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

3.1 BUSINESS MODEL Competitive Advantage: Full integration of E&P to Utilities Natural Gas Exploration Field Development Planning Plant Project Monetization Project Implementation Natural Gas Production Plant Operation We maintain an innovative business model known as Reservoir-to-Wire (R2W), through which we transform onshore natural gas assets into electric power in a fully integrated manner. The model, a pioneering adoption in the ParnaĆ­ba Complex, allows the trading of electric energy with more attractive costs for the Brazilian electric system, due to the proximity of thermal power plants to the producing wells. Shipment to the National Interconnected System (SIN) also happens through the transmission network near the thermal power plants. This way, we efficiently and competitively meet Brazil's growing need for new, cleaner sources of thermal energy. Drilling and Well Engineering CO Geology and geophysics Reservoir Engineering Plant Engineering Market Intelligence and Auction Strategy Project Management Production O&M Plant O&M Facilities Engineering Supplies/EPC Contracts Power and Gas Sale Plant Construction Gas and LNG Treatment Sustaining Regulatory & Institutional Relations Construction of Surface Facilities Reservoir Engineering Interface with Network Operator Financing Reserve Management Growth platform to capture a broad variety of opportunities in strategic areas ABOUT LETTER FROM THIS REPORT MANAGEMENT ABOUT ENEVA FIGHTING COVID-19 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL MANUFACTURED HUMAN CAPITAL CAPITAL SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL NATURAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL APPENDICES GRI CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ENEVA 2020 PAGE 19
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