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Improving Financial Health

Environment We've committed to become carbon neutral in our own operations by 2030 We have set a Science Based Target that by 2030 we will reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% and Scope 3 emissions by 15%. We're committing to gradually carbon offset our scope 1 and 2 emissions over the 5 years to 2025. We will explore options to reduce carbon emissions, switch to more renewable energy and use carbon offsetting or sequestration for the emissions that can't be eliminated. Publish Scope 1 & 2 emissions, & Scope 3 air travel June 2020: Publish carbon neutral & offsetting commitments 36 Experian Public FY21: map Scope 3 emissions FY21: 20% of Scope 1 & 2 emissions offset 1 Purchased goods & services, business travel and well to tank Carbon emissions data can be found in section 3 Publish May 2021: Publish Science Based Target Refine detailed estimates of plans to full Scope 3 emissions reach carbon neutral 100% of Scope 1 & 2 emissions offset by 2025 Carbon neutral in own operations by 2030 experian
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