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Enter a Better Life Financial Performance

Chola Enter a better life ALM Statement as of 30th Sep 2023 (As per IND AS) murugappa (Cr) ALM snapshot as on 30th Sep 2023 Particulars 1 m >1 to 2m Cash & Bank Balances 6,843.82 472.69 2,210.54 >2 to 3m >3 to 6m 3.10 >6m to 1 yr >1 to 3 yr >3 to 5 yr >5 yr 707.40 600.00 196.18 Advances 4,140.98 3,942.35 3,440.65 11,157.62 18,522.61 50,402.97 14,730.67 Total 11,033.73 18,430.29 1,24,768.13 Trade Receivable & Others 163.05 126.54 9.17 28.12 Total Inflows (A) 11,147.85 4,541.59 5,660.35 Cumulative Total Inflows (B) Borrowin Repayment-Bank & Others Borrowin Repayment- Market 11,188.84 11,147.85 15,689.43 21,349.78 32,538.62 4,588.31 1,874.47 3,852.37 7,300.16 2,843.44 2,562.01 1,765.22 2,498.70 169.12 1,284.04 19,399.13 52,287.01 16,093.54 51,937.76 1,04,224.76 1,20,318.30 13,937.06 43,249.59 13,871.48 5,046.19 8,803.72 3,692.90 1,166.69 2,011.57 4,958.31 20,441.86 1,40,760.16 1,40,760.16 Capital Reserves and Surplus Other Outflows Total Outflows (C) 2,300.68 104.20 9,732.42 4,540.68 Cumulative Total Outflows (D) 9,732.42 14,273.10 E. GAP (A-C) 1,415.43 0.91 F.Cumulative GAP (B-D) 1,415.43 1,416.33 42.42 225.42 5,660.01 10,024.28 19,933.11 29,957.39 0.34 1,164.56 1,416.68 415.71 223.44 19,398.97 52,276.75 49,356.35 1,01,633.10 0.16 10.26 344.31 89,017.76 2,988.94 30,201.12 16,024.06 16,024.06 125.61 2,079.76 5,517.23 17,689.99 21,437.07 1,40,760.16 1,19,323.10 | 1,40,760.16 (1,596.45) (995.21) 2,581.24 Cumulative GAP as % (F/D) 14.54% 9.92% 7.11% 8.62% 2,581.40 5.23% 2,591.66 995.21 0.00 2.55% 0.83% 0.00% 68
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