Emirates NBD Earnings Presentation slide image

Emirates NBD Earnings Presentation

Q3 2010 Financial Results ■ " ■ " ■ Q3 2010 YTD Financial Results Highlights Total income of USD 2,031m; -10% from USD2,260m in Q3 2009 YTD Income includes a write-down of investment properties of USD 44m Improvement of 14% in operating expenses from Q3 2009 YTD to USD 628m in Q3 2010 YTD; Cost to income ratio improved by 1.5%% to 30.9% Operating profit before impairment allowances of USD 1,403m; -8% from USD 1,528m in Q3 2009 YTD Impairment allowances of USD 814m; +26% from USD 647m in Q3 2009 YTD; added USD 193m to PIP in Q3 2010 YTD Net profit of USD 527m; -39% from USD 862m in Q3 2009 YTD Capital ratios remain strong; CAR 20.1% and T1 12.8% at end Q3 2010 YTD Deposits grew by 10% from end-2009 levels while loans declined 6%, improving the loan to deposit ratio to 101% from 118% at end-2009 Q3 2010 Financial Results Highlights Total income of USD 705m; -7% from USD762m in Q3 2009; +12% from USD 630m in Q2 2010 Improvement of 17% in operating expenses from Q2 2009 to USD 199m in Q3 2010; broadly flat compared with USD 194m in Q2 2010; Cost to income ratio improved by 3.3% from Q3 2009 to 28.2% Operating profit before impairment allowances of USD 506m; -3% from USD 522m in Q3 2009; +16% from USD 436m in Q2 2010 Impairment allowances of USD 338m; +63% from USD 207m in Q3 2009 Net profit of USD 115m; -60% from USD 287m in Q3 2009; +5% from USD 110m in Q2 2010 USD million USD billion 1) Investments/CDS income includes dividend income and realised /unrealised gains/(losses) on investment, trading and CDS securities Emirates NBD Key Performance Indicators Q3 Q3 Change Q3 Q3 Change 2010 2009 (%) 2010 2009 (%) YTD YTD Net interest income 1,409 1,494 -6% 469 502 -7% Fee & other income 546 571 -4% 184 183 +1% Investment properties (39) 4 n/a 1 1 n/a Investment/CDS Income (1) 115 191 -40% 51 76 -33% Total income 2,031 2,260 -10% 705 762 -7% Operating expenses (628) (732) -14% (199) (240) -17% Operating profit before impairment allowances 1,403 1,528 -8% 506 522 -3% Impairment allowances: (814) (647) +26% (338) (207) +63% Credit (772) (575) +34% (317) (190) +67% Investment securities (42) (72) -42% (21) (17) +19% Operating profit 589 881 -33% 168 315 -46% Amortisation of intangibles (18) (18) (6) (6) Associates (44) (1) n/a (47) (22) +117% Net profit 527 862 -39% 115 287 -60% Cost: income ratio (%) 30.9% 32.4% -1.5% 28.2% 31.5% -3.3% Net interest margin (%) 2.55% 2.79% -0.24% 2.51% 2.76% -0.25% EPS (USD cents) ROE (%) 8.5 11.6% 15.2 -44% 1.8 4.8 -64% 20.2% -8.6% 7.5% 19.5% -12.0% 30 Sep 31 Dec Change 2010 2009 (%) Total assets 77.4 76.7 +1% Loans 54.8 58.4 -6% Deposits 54.1 49.3 +10% Capital Adequacy Ratio (%) 20.1% 18.7% +1.4% Tier 1 Ratio (%) 12.8% 11.9% +0.9% 14
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