Whitehaven Metallurgical Coal Acquisition Presentation slide image

Whitehaven Metallurgical Coal Acquisition Presentation

Transforming Whitehaven Coal A compelling, materially earnings accretive acquisition Investor Presentation 18 October 2023 Authorised for release by the Board of Whitehaven Coal Limited Investor contact Kylie FitzGerald +61 2 8222 1155, +61 401 895 894 [email protected] Whitehaven Coal Limited ABN 68 124 425 396 Level 28, 259 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 P +61 2 8222 1100 | F +61 2 8222 1101 PO Box R1113, Royal Exchange NSW 1225 whitehavencoal.com.au Media contact Michael van Maanen +61 2 8222 1171, +61 412 500 351 [email protected] WHITEHAVEN
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