Q1 2020 IMS Presentation slide image

Q1 2020 IMS Presentation

Strong track record on credit risk management; lowest NPE ratio of any Irish bank NPEs by portfolio¹ Mortgages (ROI) €1.5bn €1.4bn Non-property SME €0.9bn and Corporate €0.8bn Property and €0.6bn Construction €0.6bn Mortgages €0.5bn (UK) €0.5bn Consumer (ROI & UK) €0.1bn €0.1bn Dec 19 Mar 20 ROI Mortgages >90 days arrears³ Industry Average Mar 20 Coverage Ratio 26% 59% 38% 14% Bank of Ireland Q1 2020 IMS Presentation Non-performing exposures (NPEs) . • NPE ratio reduced by a further 20bps to 4.2% Group NPE coverage ratio increased to 39%² (Dec 19: 37%) Proven track record of working with customers to implement sustainable solutions NPE transactions dependent on market conditions ROI Mortgages >90 days arrears • Bank of Ireland consistently below the industry average: - Owner Occupier (28% of industry average) Buy to Let (23% of industry average) Industry • Average 15.9% 6.7% Bank of Ireland Bank of Ireland Similar relationship between Bank of Ireland and industry for >720 day arrears 3.7% 1.9% Owner Occupier Owner Occupier Buy to let Buy to let 1 See appendix for further portfolio breakdown 2 Figures do not reflect COVID-19 management overlay 3 As at December 2019, based on number of accounts, industry average excluding BOI Bank of Ireland 16
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