Organic Capital Generation and IFRS Transition Outlook slide image

Organic Capital Generation and IFRS Transition Outlook

17 2=5 US DEALER SERVICES iA is a US leader in a large and highly fragmented industry, ripe for further consolidation High growth potential for iA through organic expansion and bolt-on acquisitions Leveraging full suite of products and services and optimizing synergies • • Resilient sales outpacing US vehicle sales Since 2019, US vehicle sales have remained mostly flat while iA sales have increased significantly due to organic and acquisition growth Good sales performance in Q1/22 in the context of vehicle inventory shortages: +4% YoY Profitable and diversified revenue streams Good diversification of sales between new and used vehicles Both administration and insurance fees received on 72% of 2021 sales • Expecting iA sales to remain strong but relatively stable in 2022 from very low vehicle inventory ¡A total sales¹ ($M) US new and used vehicle sales2 (M units) 185 180 243 233 ~60% New vehicles 48% ~40% Used vehicles 8.6 8.9 8.0 7.5 Q1/19 Q1/20 Q1/21 Q1/22 72% 66% 2019 2020 2021 • Timing of profit: Administration fee is mostly earned upfront, having a more immediate impact on profitability • Inflation: Marginal impact due to the business model: regular pricing adjustment and reinsured risks 1 Including IAS sales, pre-acquisition. 2 Source: US Bureau of Economic Analysis and Cox Automotive - Raw numbers of vehicles sold in the US at retail only (fleet and private party sales excluded); numbers are not seasonally adjusted.
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