Huakai-PKC Group Joint Venture Presentation
Transaction Highlights Summary
Transaction in brief
Impact to PKC
group's financials
• The joint venture is accomplished via a new company that will be established
by Huakai with an equity valuation of RMB 150 million / EUR 22 million*
• PKC will contribute RMB 150 million / EUR 22 million cash through share issue
• The total equity value of the joint venture is RMB 300 million / EUR 44 million
• PKC holds 50% and Huakai 50% of the equity. The frame agreement contains
specific terms regarding PKC's right to consolidate
Transaction is financed from PKC's cash resources
• The deal has no significant impact to PKC Group 2015 results
⚫ The joint venture will be consolidated to PKC Group financials
• The agreement was signed on 28 March 2015
The finalisation of the joint venture is targeted in the latter half of 2015
⚫. The finalisation is subject to common conditions including authority approvals
Integration starts after the finalisation of the joint venture
* Latest RMB/EUR exchange rate
March 30, 2015
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