TA Petro Overview of SVC Leases and Financial Upside slide image

TA Petro Overview of SVC Leases and Financial Upside

13 133 Representative TA Travel Center The typical TA travel center is located on 25 acres of land and offers the following infrastructure, facilities, and amenities: - Parking for approximately 200 trucks and 100 cars - - 10 truck fueling lanes and 10 car fueling positions One large travel store One full service restaurant - One or more quick service restaurants - Truck repair and maintenance facilities - Other key amenities, such as showers, laundry area, business center, truck scales, fitness facility, Wi-Fi internet access, and parking reservation systems Sample TA Travel Centers MARATHONI GOASIS REIXO PETRO PETRO UNLEADED 3.09 Ivan Skillet CHILE FedEx TA PETRO TAEXPRESS Stopping Centers
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