Company Presentation June 2023
Mt Jackson Project
Untested greenstone with
surface gold and pathfinder
geochemical response
100% owned, underexplored northern end of the
Southern Cross greenstone belt where it converges
with the regional Koolyanobbing Shear Zone
Southern Cross Greenstone Belt has a long high-
grade mining history and hosts multiple significant
orogenic gold deposits, including Marvel Loch (>2.1
Moz) 1 and Yilgarn Star (>1.1 Moz) 2
Coincidental Au-As-Sb soil anomaly overlying the
northern extents of a >5km long aeromagnetic
anomaly, interpreted to be mafic/ultramafic due to its
elevated Chrome response
Infill soil sampling underway to refine targets for AC
drilling expected in 2023/2024
6,670,000 mN
6,660,000 mN
Auger Au (ppb)
Soil Point
Southern Cross Greenstone Bel
e Belt
690,000 mE
Koolyanobbing Shear Zone
Mount Jackson
Mt Jackson
5 km
GDA94 Zone 51
1 Refer 1 2003 Nugus and Dominy. Practical Applications of Geology in the Grade Control Process at the Marvel Loch Gold Mine, Southern Cross, Western Australia. 5th International Mine Geologists Conference
2 2001 Witt, Drabbie & Bodycoat. 4th International Archaean Symposium - Yilgarn Star gold deposit, Southern Cross greenstone belt, Western Australia: geological setting and characteristics of an amphibolite-facies
orogenic gold deposit.
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