Whitehaven Metallurgical Coal Acquisition Presentation slide image

Whitehaven Metallurgical Coal Acquisition Presentation

A Daunia - at a glance Established mining operation expected to produce ~4.9Mtpa of saleable product for seaborne export Port of Abbot Point Titan North Titan Central Skoll Pit Dalrymple Bay Terminal Port of Hay Point Calypso North Titan West. Calypso Central QUEENSLAND Daunia Winchester South Bowen Basin RG Tanna Coal Terminal at Port of Gladstone Pandora Mined area Future potential mining Titan East Atlas Pit ☐ ☐ ☐ Produces high quality metallurgical coal for seaborne market Low vol hard coking coal (HCC) - - Low vol pulverised injection coal (PCI) Long-life operation - Expected production until FY40 Fully autonomous site with productivity / expansion upside Potential to replicate AH at other sites - Rail & Port Infrastructure contracted for 4.7Mtpa Coal stockpiled then transferred by conveyor to onsite rail loading facility and transported by train to the Dalrymple Bay Terminal Well capitalised operation with excellent infrastructure US$1.4bn of capital spent during construction with first coal produced and delivered in 2013 - Synergistic operations - Located in the Bowen Basin, adjacent to existing development project, Winchester South 23 23 123 2. 3. 4. JORC Resources includes Measured, Indicated and Inferred Resources 1,2 115Mt Avg. ROM production³ 6.0Mtpa Reserves (Recoverable)² 81Mt Avg. saleable production³ 4.9Mtpa N Avg. ROM strip ratio4 7.4x Avg. CHPP yield 80% 0 1 km As reported in BHP 2023 JORC Statement, https://www.bhp.com/investors/annual-reporting/annual-report-2023 pg 232 Based on expected FY24 - FY28 average production. Refer to the ASX Release titled Acquisition of BMA's Daunia and Blackwater Mines and dated 18 October 2023. Whitehaven confirms that the material assumptions underpinning the forecast production in the ASX Release continue to apply and have not materially changed. Prime stripping / ROM product WHITEHAVEN
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