Bank of Georgia Financial Overview slide image

Bank of Georgia Financial Overview

Trade structure Exports and Imports* 8,000 Imports of goods & services CAGR ('04-'09): 16% Exports of goods & services CAGR ('04-09): 14% 7,499 Income and Transfers US$ mln 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,413 Current 4,000 3,318 account Deficit 6,215 5,917 5,267 1,178 900 725 849 3,000 2,493 686 amounted 1,865 421 2,000 492 9.8% of GDP 193 1,000 2,552 3,182 in 1H 2010 2,187 3,688 3,199 3,940 1,289 1,647 0 FGEL 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010F appreciated by 4.6% since Source: Central Bank of Georgia June 2010 *Export and Import of goods and services Current Account Deficit US$ mln Donor inflows (DI) Total private capital inflows (TPCI) CAD CAD as % of GDP CAD+TPCI+DI as % of GDP 5,000 20.0% 14.7% 4,000 15.0% 7.7% 8.6% 7.9% 3,000 5.6% 10.0% 3.2% 5.5% 1.6% 2,982.4 2,000 1,698.4 5.0% 734.8 1,000 479.6 0 351.0 98.3 (383:3) -6.9% 1782) (709.2) -1,000 (383.8) 1,508.1 261.7 (1,175.3) 2,291.8 276.2 (2,010.0) 1,423.4 0.0% 942.0 1,092.6 658.0 -5.0% (1,216.5) (2,912.3) (1,096.8) -10.0% -9.6% -11.1% -11.3% -2,000 -9.5% -15.0% -15.1% -3,000 -20.0% -19.8% -4,000 -22.8% -25.0% 2009 2010F 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Donor Inflows include both public and private sectors. Donor inflows in 2009 adjusted according to the banking sector foreign debt outflows Source: Central Bank of Georgia, Ministry of Finance of Georgia, BoG Forecasts for 2010 Lak BANK OF GEORGIA November 2010 Page 12
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