Whitehaven Metallurgical Coal Acquisition Presentation slide image

Whitehaven Metallurgical Coal Acquisition Presentation

A Daunia - operational & financial overview Average ROM production of 6.0Mtpa and saleable production of 4.9Mtpa anticipated over the next 5 years1 ROM production (Mt)1,2,3 ā—‰ ā—‰ FY24F - FY28F Average FY23A FY22A 3.7 FY21A 5-Year Historical Average 5.1 4.8 Historical average realised price (A$/t) Saleable production (Mt) 1.2, 3. FY24F - FY28F Average 6.0 4.9 FY23A FY23A FY22A 3.0 FY21A 5.8 5-Year Historical Average 4.0 3.9 FY22A FY21A 147 4.8 374 500 ROM production expected to return to long-term averages supported by lower strip ratios and completion of AH ramp-up to 6,600 hrs pa/truck FY21-22 production impacted by significant wet weather, COVID related labour constraints, ramp up of AH and planned elevated strip ratios Saleable production forecasts remain steady over the next 5 years of the LOM plan at ~4.9Mtpa Total product yields are expected to remain in line with historicals over the medium-term Strong prices were realised in FY22 and FY23, and remain strong in FY24F Coal prices materially impacted in FY21 COVID year Source: Company filings, BMA management information and Whitehaven estimates Based on expected FY24 - FY28 average production. Refer to the ASX Release titled Acquisition of BMA's Daunia and Blackwater Mines and dated 18 October 2023. Whitehaven confirms that the material assumptions underpinning the forecast production in the ASX Release continue to apply and have not materially changed. Assuming FY24 life of mine plan for forecast period 24 1. 2. 3. 5 year historical average over period from FY16 - FY20; sourced from BMA management information WHITEHAVEN
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