Koç Holding Investor Presentation slide image

Koç Holding Investor Presentation

OPET- Tüpraş Share 40.0% 1.560 1600 1.504 1.444 434 1.39 431 1.35 435 1.32 427 1.27 418 1.22 410 394 1200 394 1.560 Stations 1.1 Million M3 Storage 1.126 1.073 1.009 966 938 915 885 800 830 400 Market positions: 17.8% in White product; 23% Marmara, Aegean, Black Sea & Mediterranean # 1 Brand Royalty Award 2nd Biggest Distribution Company by Volume Jet Fuel Sales THY Opet- 50/50 joint venture with Turkish Airlines for air transport fuel sales in Turkey OInternational Trading London OLubricants Opet Fuchs- 50/50 lubricant joint venture with Fuchs 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Investor Presentation www.tupras.com.tr Opet Sunpet COMPANY OVERVIEW 21
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