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Capital Allocation Strategy

19 DEFENCE & SECURITY The legacy of the three founding fathers now all under one roof Edwin Link, founder The Link Trainer Link Aviation "The Luftwaffe met its Waterloo on all the training fields of the free world where there was a battery of Link Trainers" - Air Marshall Robert Leckie, Wartime RAF Chief of Staff, WWII 1929 Edwin Link founds Link Aviation 1939 Luther Simjian founds Reflectone Corporation 1947 Ken Patrick founds САЕ 1988 CAE buys Link Military Simulation Corporation to become CAE-Link Luther Simjian, founder Reflectone Corp. Simjian's Mirror Range Estimator Trainer used in WWII Luther held 200+ patents, receiving his last at age 92 "The most important invention for me was the Range Estimation Trainer. This was the invention that put Reflectone on the map." - Luther Simjian Ken Patrick assembled what he called "a war-trained team that was extremely innovative and very technology-intensive." 1995 Link purchased by Hughes Electronics Corporation 2000 L-3 Communications buys and names L-3 Link Simulation & Training 2001 CAE purchased Reflectone to establish CAE USA Inc. 2021 CAE acquires L3Harris Technologies' Military Training to include Link, Doss Aviation and AMI Ken Patrick, founder CAE CAE's first simulator contract was from the RCAF for a CF 100 flight simulator Quarter millennium of combined experience and industry firsts! CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential CAE
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