Despegar Results Presentation Deck slide image

Despegar Results Presentation Deck

● ● Sound Cash Position and Breakeven Operating Cash Flow Net cash flow of $3.0 M in 4Q21, compared to use of cash of $39.8 M in 3Q21 and cash generation of $13.5 M in 4Q19, mainly due to a short term loan for $11.9M in Chile Net Payable Position remained practically unchanged QoQ at $196.5 M Cash provided by operating activities of $0.5 M in 4Q21, compared to use of cash of $30.8 M in 3Q21, and cash generation of $15.3 M in 4Q19 4021 BALANCE SHEET In US$ Millions ● Cash as of December 31, 2021 = $279.2 M • Total net operational short term obligations of $197.5 M (1), relatively flat on a quarterly basis (1) Net Payables: Comprised of travel suppliers payables plus related party payables and accounts payable and accrued expenses, minus accounts receivable net of allowances and related party receivables In US$ Millions -10.7 Net Income 16.5 4021 OPERATING CASH FLOW BRIDGE Non-Cash Adj. -54.0 Accounts: Receivables 42.5 Tourist Payable 6.2 Other WK Items 0.5 Operating Cash Flow 10
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